Wednesday, January 26, 2011

This is what I want.

Yes, well, clearly that worked out.
Five days into January and I quit cold turkey. But it wasn't my fault. I blame college. And Panera Bread. But that place is to blame for mostly everything.

Do not fear, dear Reader, this does not mean I have forsaken my quest to drown you in my useless opinions about books. I'll finish all thirty days eventually. Just, you know. Clearly not within thirty days.

At this particular time, I venture only slightly from my usual book-rant. I just finished The Hunger Games, which was recommended to me by several bookish, trustworthy friends (including the lovely Amy, which is why she gets her own section). And Catching Fire. And Mockingjay. And I have to say, nothing has captivated me so completely in quite some time. As much as I'll admit that, stylistically, it's not the best thing ever, the plot is essentially golden. And they're making it into a movie, you see, which is set to be released in 2013 if we all don't die next year anyways.

Assuming we don't, I'll be anxiously gearing up for this release. Harry Potter will be over by this summer (not that this can really compare), and Breaking Dawn is only going to be exciting because I really want to see Kristen Stewart's uterus being ripped open by Robert Pattinson's teeth so that a mutant baby can claw its way out.

So, yeah. I thought, since the only thing we know about this movie is that it's going to exist eventually, I decided to weigh in on my votes for the cast. I've seen a lot of people doing this, and most of them pick really lame actors. So I thought I'd fix that. Feel free to stop reading if you've never read the series/don't care. This is mostly for my entertainment anyway.

Side note: I would also like this entry to serve as proof that I read and fell in love with this series before it became the new band-wagon thing to do. I can see this becoming the next horribly over-hyped Twilight series. I can feel it in my blood. And I don't like it even a little bit. So back off, eleventeen-year-olds. We read it first.

Megan's Picks:

Katniss Everdeen
The protagonist is essentially a bad-ass. She's the only multi-dimensional character in the book (don't yell at me, it's true), so hers is the most crucial but also the most difficult to cast. She's moody and anxious and sort of innocently stunning. She can kick your ass even if you're armed with a nuclear assault missile and she's got a few sticks and a piece of string. And she's in one of those Bella-Edward-Jacob-esque love triangles, except nobody's a vampire or anything and it doesn't make you want to scoop out your brain with a fork.
Rooney Mara.
Recognizable these days as Erica Albright in The Social Network (and also that chick from the Steig Larson movies), but essentially she looks exactly the way I picture Katniss. And I really think she could pull off this role. She's pretty in a powerful sort of way, and she does look like she could maybe kick your ass if she wasn't in such a pretty dress.

Peeta Mellark
This is actually the one I've given the most consideration to, given the fact that I'm probably in love with Peeta (it's hard not to be). As it were, he's got to be pretty bad-ass as well, (though not quite as much so as Katniss), but also quite adorable and sweet. His sole purpose in life is keeping Katniss alive because he's completely in love with her. And he likes to decorate cakes, or something.

Hugh Freaking Dancy.
Seriously, it can't go wrong. Dye those curls blond, and bam. You've got the strength and build that Peeta needs because he's not from the Seam, but you've also got the boyish charm and sincerity that's so important in him as well. Mix the two together, and you've got Mr. Dancy.

Gale Hawthorne
Part of me wants to say something along the lines of Adam Brody, but I feel like he's too friendly-looking. Gale's characterization in the books is flimsy at best, and basically the only dimension he gets is an angsty, stick-it-to-the-man sort of guy. So if Adam could keep from smiling for the entire film, I guess he could do it.
Alex Pettyfer.
Bear with me. Just picture him with his hair dyed dark. THERE. DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE? It's got Gale written all over it. Just give him a crossbow.

Haymitch Abernathy
As much as I'm sure Hugh Laurie could be amazing in this role, I think he might be too recognizable in a really young, unappreciative film audience sort of way. People would be like "Hehe, OMG, Dr. House!" And that's not what I want for this film. But Haymitch actually does have a few dimensions to his character, though we rarely see him as anything but a tough, scruffy drunk man.
Robert Downey Jr.
So clearly, our friend Bob here is also recognizable, but not in the same way. You wouldn't pin him to one role and have a hard time getting that one role out of your head the whole time, you know? Like when Mr. Feeny shows up in Blades of Glory (which sucks, by the way). But I digress. I think Robert could be hilarious, but also poignant and memorable as Katniss and Peeta's mentor.

Primrose Everdeen
Though she's not involved in a ton of the book(s), she's important plot-wise. She's twelve, but I picture her as being very young and innocent looking. She's Prim.
 Chloe Moretz.
You'll remember her as Tom's younger sister in (500) Days of Summer. But seriously - this photo is basically exactly how Prim looks in my brain. It's fantastically creepy.

So there. That's my all-star cast involving nobody from Twilight or the Disney Channel or the Spy Kids franchise. And if I can get Hollywood to listen to me on this, then I might start to come to peace with the fact that there are five Twilight films. (Might).

Amy's Picks:
I have to say, I kinda love this idea, even though absolutely no one cares about who we think would best suit the characters in the book. But I think it's great that we can match real people to the characters in our heads. So here goes:

[side note: I love all of Megan's picks. I just thought I'd add some others. What's great about novels like this (or any novel, really) is that you can make it your own through pure imagination!]


Probably because the books are told in first person, I always pictured myself as Katniss. Am I badass? No. Can I shoot a bow and arrow? Hell no! Would I survive the Hunger Games? Of course not.

That aside, I think I like Megan's pick better than any that I could come up with on my own. I toyed around with different ideas (Kristen Stewart even popped in my head for a second, but only because she's devoid of emotion all the time). In the end, though, Megan's choice is solid.


Peeta was possibly the easiest choice for me, but only because I fantasized about him so much that I had a clear picture in my head of what exactly he should look like. My pick for him would have to be Mitch Hewer, who play Maxxie on the British TV show Skins. (Don't ever watch the American version - it is so terrible that it made me want to vomit and kick the TV screen in at the same time, and I'm being kind).

He's boyish, yet strong, and his smile makes me want to melt in a puddle of happiness.


Gale, I thought, was difficult. I pictured him as being ruggedly handsome, and I have to say that not many young actors these days can pull off both dirty and sexy. When they attempt this, the result is typically gross. After some serious thought, I decided that Ben Barnes might make a good choice. Yes, yes, I know, everyone hates Prince Caspian. But I think Ben is manly enough to pull Gale off.


I love Robert Downey Jr., and I think that he would make a hysterical Haymitch. But jut for the sake of deviation, I'm going to throw out that Jack Black might make a funny Haymitch, too.


Kristen Chenowith for shiz.

1 comment:

Elise said...

YES YES YES (to megan's picks.)