Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fish, trees, and Louis Armstrong.

Occasionally random patterns of thought will barge their way into my mind dressed up like they're going to the premiere of Gene Kelly's first feature film.  They announce themselves lavishly, then make themselves comfortable on the cushier parts of my brain.  They talk animatedly and make a lot of noise. They drink Cosmopolitans.  Louis Armstrong blows music through a trumpet in the dimly lit corner. And while they're hanging out in there, it's impossible for me to fall asleep at night. They're just too damn loud.

A significant amount of the time, I welcome their presence in there.  It's kind of flattering that they choose to come back so much - my brain must be a nice, comfortable venue.  And they're interesting company - usually they talk about things I never would've come up with on my own. I enjoy what they have to say and even agree with it most of the time.

Last night, however, they arrived just as I was on the brink of sleep after a particularly exhausting day, with their trumpeting and their drinking and all.  And as nice as they are, I really wasn't in the mood for them at that particular moment in time. I actually said out loud to my semi-darkened bedroom, "Go invade someone else's brain tonight, you guys. I'm tired." They didn't seem to hear me, but I think the chilly air that filled my room got a good chuckle out of my soliloquy.  It probably thought I was crazy.

The even more obnoxious part about their completely unannounced, inconveniently timed party was that the conversation didn't even make sense. They must have been drinking before they even got there, which is a little trashy, if truth be told. (They usually have more class than that).  All they kept saying was, "Did you ever think about how ridiculously awesome the world is?"

I flatly told them no, I hadn't, and I didn't really think this was a good time to start.  They giggled and kept repeating that same phrase, louder and louder until I couldn't distinguish their shouts from the buses charging past my window.  "THE WORLD IS SO COOL, THOUGH!! ISN'T IT!?"

"I don't really know what the crap you're talking about," I finally had to reply in the best imitation of a furiously angry person I could muster in my particular state of consciousness.

So they said, "Oh! We'll show you."  And they pulled out a projection screen and a teeny little brain-sized version of Chaz, my darling MacBook, and they proceeded to play me a slide show. If you were in my room at that moment in time, I bet you could have seen the colors from the projection screen reflecting out of my eyes and making little rainbows on my ceiling. Stepford Wives-style. Granted, these aren't the exact images they had, but they'll give you a pretty solid idea:

(Credit for the last photo goes to Marilyn Harris, but as for the others, I found them on StumbleUpon and saved them to my computer because they looked cool. So if you have any idea who took them, feel free to let me know). :)

Once the slideshow ended, the partygoers packed up their stuff and left me at peace. But their words rang in my head, and I couldn't think of a better way to put things.  I still can't, which is why I turned to pictures. (As much as I love words, sometimes they just don't work).

Honestly, though, THINK about it. Just take a second or two next time you're outside and look around you.  Trees survive a bajillion times longer than we do, and they don't even move. They find food right where they are, and it's enough to satisfy them for their whole lives. And the atmosphere - it's just freaking hanging out up there, holding everything in. It's doing all kinds of stuff for you even when you can't see it. And there's these huge, massive bodies of water - so massive we can't even comprehend them. There's another entire universe and way of life in there - we all coexist in the same area of space, but we really don't know anything about each other because they can't survive out here and we can't survive in there. And there are deserts, and big huge chunks of ice,! And here we are, worried about degrees and programs and jobs and internships, when the whole world is always out there just being awesome. And we never even think about it. The world is really just SO cool.

And don't even get me started on the moon and stars and stuff.

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